Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Sol Usually Just a Pet Sun - 2013 edit -Chap1-

Ours is much smaller than others out there.  It's advanced current making can show you a quick blink for "No".  I myself attended a Parks and Recreation kids program of the 70's called "Fun in the Sun" at Nutts pond in Manchester, NH.  I had a t-shirt that had the program name on it.
Arts and crafts,  outdoor sports and running about the park is what we did as well as enjoying the whole idea of the Sun.
The State that consumes the most nuts and the "Nut Capitol of the United States" being the City,  I'll guess it's in Florida right now and the State North Carolina.   Just to demonstrate what our real knowledge to identify the most powerful forces in the Universe is levelled at.
I've read and heard ours is small,  "It will slowly burn out".   I've also media-eyed it may supernova and that by then we should have an escape route to get the H-E-double-hockey-stix outta here!! (quotin' mee).
Mee, mee, mee and you and Gloria Stevens along with the other mega star systems awaitin' the circular swirl
marriage encounter of sun worshipping pets.  I guess the megalopolii suns would be a pet elephant and ours a 5.1 pound kitty.  We envision a crane to scoop the ore, to make the tool that will change everything but we lie down and the members don't perform.   It seems the whole members of the universe are akin to us.
I used to hope that we were the "anomalie", the different bloke spheric with the mighty spirit avoiding the predestination of "our class" of solar system.  Much of human culture is engrossed and bloodletting for the star of our pet show.
"Jesus was born on December, 25th is why we celebrate Christmas",  I told my 1 year old cat Dobby.  "So that we may love our enemy".  Paraphrasing the whole idea of Jesus Yoshooah, "he was the light of the world."
Immediately what comes to mind is Jupiter and how I learned at a young age how, "it may too be a sun".  I think how our solar system could have 2 suns.  It's far enough away so that we would not be burnt up.  What I was actually taught in school is that "it is so large (Jupiter) that is just missed being a sun".  It's a gas giant and apparently there are many of those in the Universe too.
The Jovian world saved us, clearly, from the stream of nine comets in a row known as Schumacher/Levy 9.
They say our earliest radio messages from a century ago may be reaching other star systems by now.   100 years ago we had nine planets in our nomenclature.  As a result of intense scientific debate we now have only 8 planet class objects in our solar system.  It seems "worlds" objects that can sustain organic life are numbered at about fiveor six . Three moons of jupiter-saturn,  Titan, Europa, Encaladus and the planets Earth, Mars and possibly Venus.  There may be more or less but I'm just mentioning these to make the following point.
The "Star Trek' television series was genius in that it showed us never to limit our perceptions of what a lifeform should be.  There may be lifeforms that are not organic but grow, reproduce and most importantly have "sentience".   Gene Roddenberry also showed us that life may exist on a different scale of measurement than we're used to.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

The Mayan Calendar 12/21/12 The End Refuted

The Mayans like  everyone else created myth so their leaders had an explanation for "the meaning of life" to maintain sway over their followers.   The "Sun Gods" come to mind firstly as easy to debunk with knowledge of blackholes and the science of them being that they dismantle suns.  So they are a more powerful force that has been observed extensively by modern day stargazers but was little or completely unnoticed by ancient astronomers using the human "naked-eye".  The conquering ancients made sacrifices to them and highly revered their power.
There were no religious cultures based on worship of the blackhole though they tear apart whole solar systems.  Even more impressive is that they unstoppedly continue through space and are unhindered in the slightest while doing complete deconstructions.
As for the "Long Count" of the Mayan calendar it may just be an equivalent to December 31st of our calendars.  There have been other ends to the "long count" in the past and the World did not end.
The Y2K (year 2000) bug was supposed to create great havoc but it didn't either.


Immediately this story is controversial because of the first part of the Title, "God".
A god or gods when used in a Book title becomes a large "G" god.  Whether we're talking about "Thee one and only" or "One of many".  Myself, I have been an atheist the majority of my days but as is often the case I look for God powers wherever they appear and when I try to see the end as being something that could be a happy occurence or transition.
What I'm talking about in this book are Blackholes.
I also am looking at these "collapsed suns" as possibly being storms.  More natural occurence resulting from the properties of matter as it exists today in the Universe than deliberate acts of a super intelligent designer.
I've begun a dialog with myself as to what these seemingly horrible things are.  Are they really terrible, solarrible and destructive? Are they an intelligent design? Could they be a constructive, saving and redeeming force that we don't understand?