Thursday, October 20, 2016

ROLLING EYEZ religious Myths what are we left with?

When all the religious Myths are debunked including the ones in and from the Middle East that dominate the world what are we left with? The Sun, Bastet(cats), the crow/raven and the black hole at the center of the Galaxy that's 12 Billion times larger than our Sun are ALL here and still real. But putting all that mythic pressure is a lot to put on your little pets. The closest thing on this Earth that a Blackhole on this Earth that we can compare to it/them with it's light capturing property is the pupil of an eye or a camera. Light goes in but it doesn't come out. You can see the animal body around the eye or the camera though and they don't continuously roll forming a Z pattern like the Blackholes or NOW Rolling==O Zs